Sustaining Nonprofit Partners: Organizational Support Cycle

Thank you for your interest in the applications received by the Community Foundation through the Organizational Support Cycle. Please be in touch with Sara at before Tuesday, June 30 to use your donor advised fund to support any of these organizations. We appreciate your partnership in philanthropy!


You can download the updated list as a PDF here.  

Arts and Culture
Beaver Island Cultural Arts Association                                   Current Funding: $5,000.00

BICAA has had to shift its approach to connecting with stakeholders to a more virtual format, due to COVID-19. The Baroque on Beaver Festival will be presented this year, but not in person and not on Beaver Island. Rather, a scaled-back Festival will be offered virtually, which will drastically change the dynamics of the community relationships on which BICAA depends. The Board has developed a list of ideas for gathering Festival-goers together in various virtual situations, and needs funding to make the technology available to implement these ideas.


Beaver Island Historical Society                                                  Current Funding: $5,000.00

Beaver Island's economy is nearly 80% tourism-based. A large percentage of visitors along with community members visit the museums each year. When tourism streams open back up this summer the museums must be ready to accommodate the visitors in a post-COVID environment. The Historical Society plans to reduce the days of operation to 3 or 4 per week, hire a part-time staff person to work the shifts normally covered by elderly docents, and hire a janitorial service to disinfect the museum daily.


Charlevoix Circle of Arts                                                                Current Funding: $5,000.00

CCA is requesting funding to support general operations and help re-open. CCA provides children and adults in Charlevoix and the surrounding communities with opportunities for expression, connection, sharing, and creating through a variety of arts experiences, including exhibits, art workshops, dance classes, youth art camps and youth programs, lectures, and community events.


Charlevoix Historical Society                                                       Current Funding: $5,000.00

The Charlevoix Historical Society is projecting a loss of income from bus tours, depot events, and museum visitors of anywhere from $10,000 to $18,000. It is important for the Society to be fully funded to continue our mission of preserving the iconic historic structures in Charlevoix, like the Museum at Harsha House, the Train Depot, and the South Pier Lighthouse. The Society also has an extensive and invaluable collection of historic photographs and other artifacts which require management and protection.


Charlevoix Public Library                  Current Funding: $0.00                Remaining Need: $4,975.00

The complete impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the library's budget remains to be seen however, currently, they expect a loss in revenue of around $50,000-$70,000. The grant dollars being requested would fund the purchase of additional laptops to be utilized by staff members to work remotely. Currently, the library does not have enough laptops for staff to work remotely.

Crooked Tree Arts Center                                                             Current Funding: $5,000.00

CTAC directly serves over 50,000 people each year. Since the onset of the crisis, they haven’t been able to reach our audience in the same way. Since March, CTAC has been and is currently developing new ways for communities to gather, learn, and create. Recent initiatives include online exhibitions, artist features, virtual artist meetups, and virtual artist talks. Web-based demos, tutorials, and classes are coming soon.


Great Lakes Center for the Arts                                                   Current Funding: $5,000.00

In the counties north of Traverse City, there are no schools that offer strings or orchestra instruction for students. The Dorothy Gerber Strings Program has filled that void for the past twenty years. Now, the organization needs to hire another teacher to reach more schools and develop four levels of skill at each location (beginner to high school orchestra). Instrument-playing students score higher on standardized tests and register higher GPAs. They also think more creatively, demonstrate high capacity for memory, self-regulate on independent projects, and perform better in public presentations. Instruction continues virtually for many students during COVID-19, though the organization is preparing for a normal school year in the fall, and are hopeful for in-person instruction to resume.


Great Lakes Chamber Orchestra                                                 Current Funding: $5,000.00

For the past 19 years, the GLCO has been the only professional orchestra in northwest Michigan, providing a regular classical music presence in northern Michigan. With current mandates in place, live concerts are not possible and while libraries and schools remain closed, GLCO is not able to present educational outreach programs. This has resulted in a loss of revenue. At the same time, GLCO has developed new online programs, like "Little Bay Concerts" and "Tuesday Talks" to stay in touch with audiences and bring the GLCO and its positive impact into everyone's home.


Jordan River Arts Council                                                             Current Funding: $4,500.00

The gallery doors have been closed for over two months at Jordan River Arts Council, to keep members and community partners safe. As a result, membership is down by half. Members keep programs, scholarships, and workshops available to the community. Funding would be used to upgrade the website to accommodate filmed and narrated virtual shows. These upgrades would also allow more artwork to be shared and more workshops and classes to be offered.






Patrons of the Arts in Rural Communities                              Current Funding: $5,000.00

This year PARC was supporting 67 artists and 7 support personnel who planned to perform during the Beaver Island Music Festival week in July, plus a summer schedule of events in partnership with other non-profit organizations and businesses. General support will assist in bringing these events to the Island and our neighboring communities, either in person (if allowed) or by creating new online platforms that will support and expand the mission. In partnership with local radio stations, through recorded performances, and online platforms we can continue to move forward in a different way.



Little Traverse Conservancy                                                         Current Funding: $5,000.00

LTC preserves and reserves remain open to everyone; while so many things are being closed down and no longer available for us, our public lands in northern Michigan are still open and available with social distancing measures in place. This quarter LTC has seen a dip in membership support, which is being correlated with both the declining economy and from support being directed to food banks, hospitals and other Covid crisis-related needs. LTC is membership-supported with no governmental support for operations. LTC continues to preserve land for the public to use and enjoy, and stewardship staff is even more critical to respond to the land management needs created from increased public use and recreation on our properties.


Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council                                           Current Funding: $5,000.00

The Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council performs significant water resource monitoring, research, and restoration projects each year. These programs are critical to the health of our waters. Many projects planned for 2020 will be delayed or cancelled. Over $100,000 in budgeted operating expenses to perform these projects will not be received this year. PPP funds, if received, will not be enough to compensate for this lost revenue.



General Community
City of Boyne City                                                               Current Funding: $5,000.00

The Farmers Market is a program of Boyne City Main Street, which is part of the City of Boyne City. Due to COVID-19 the Food Truck Rally has been cancelled, which raises over $7,000 each year to support market operations. Additionally, several vendors have chosen not to attend the market this season, which revenue as well. Grant dollars awarded will go to sustain market operations. This is to include promotional efforts like appropriate COVID-19 related signage at the Market and hourly staff time spent preparing the community for the safe operation of the market.



City of Charlevoix                                                              Current Funding: $5,000.00

The Charlevoix Main Street Board of Directors and Economic Vitality Committee are working to create a fund that will help support downtown businesses financially. Grants awarded to businesses would be used for working capital to support payroll expenses, rent, mortgage payments, utility expenses, COVID-19 relief or recovery expenses or other similar expenses that occur in the ordinary course of business. Small businesses are being hit hard by COVID-19, and results from a recent survey conducted by Charlevoix Main Street DDA makes it clear: 43% of surveyed small businesses in downtown Charlevoix are at risk of closing over the next five months as a result of the Covid-19 crisis.


Leadership Charlevoix County                                      Current Funding: $5,000.00

The Leadership Charlevoix County Board of Directors recently made the tough decision to pause regular programming until Summer 2021 due to COVID-19, which means LCC will not have any income. Traditionally, revenue comes from participant tuition and business sponsorship. In lieu of regular programming, the board and staff will be working behind the scenes to adopt new safety protocols, review all program sessions and curriculum, and work on marketing and strategic plans. Funding would support fixed costs for the year and help support this work.  



Health and Safety
City of East Jordan                                                             Current Funding: $5,000.00

East Jordan Fire Department has seen an increase in water related rescues over the past two years. With an increase in kayak and personal watercraft availability, we are encountering more people on the water with less safety awareness. Within Charlevoix County, East Jordan Fire Department is the only service equipped with water-rescue apparatus. Funds will be used to purchase needed water rescue equipment such as dry suits for staff, and lettering, graphics, an AED, eye wash station, and a burn kit for the rescue vehicle.


East Jordan Ambulance Association                            Current Funding: $5,000.00

East Jordan EMT's and Paramedics are often dispatched to the scene of a fire and work alongside the East Jordan Fire Department and other neighboring fire & rescue agencies. These first responders must be able to assess and stabilize patients with burn injuries during the first critical hours post-injury. This funding would send 20 crew members to the 7-hour ABLS (Advanced Burn Life Support) training.





Human Services
217 Recovery*                            Current Funding: $0.00                        Remaining Need: $5,000.00

217 Recovery started in the spring of 2019 as a podcast with a website and information to those seeking help with addiction.The organization plans to provide transportation for those in recovery to attend meetings, counseling appointments, doctor appointments, and other related meetings to continue on the path to recovery. *This is a very new organization and has not received C3F support in the past.

Northern Community Mediation                                 Current Funding: $3,000.00

NCM provides mediation services as an alternative to litigation to the citizens of Charlevoix and Emmet counties. Although some cases lend themselves to being conciliated over the phone, most mediation takes place face-to-face. With COVID-19, that scenario is no longer possible. Therefore, NCM is offering mediation via Zoom. In order to do so, NCM had to purchase a corporate Zoom account, as well as DocuSign account. In addition, in order for staff to work remotely, it has been necessary to purchase GoToMyPC for two of the staff members and contract with technical support to install the necessary software programs.



Northern Family Intervention Services                     Current Funding: $1,500.00

An average of 30 families, impacting 75 to 100 children, receive intensive home based parent education annually in Charlevoix County.  NFIS has an average of 1 full time Family Specialist providing those home based services, wraparound services, and infant mental health services. 

COVID has impacted their ability to fundraise and has made upgraded technology a more pressing need.  The staff member serving Charlevoix County families does not have adequate technology;  HIPAA compliant software for video conferencing is an additional cost required to serve families.


Northern Homes Community Development Corporation              Current Funding: $5,000.00

Northern Homes CDC is a HUD Certified Housing Counseling Agency, with two HUD Certified Housing Counselors. They provide classes and individual counseling on financial management, rental education, home buyer education and foreclosure prevention/counseling. They anticipate an increase in the need for foreclosure assistance from job loss or reduction in hours or loss of work for independent contractors due to COVID-19. Home buyer classes have transitioned from in-person to Zoom, and funding would help these education courses continue.


Northern Michigan Equine Therapy                                         Current Funding: $5,000.00
Although programs have been postponed, covering program-related expenses cannot be put on hold. The team of horses is the core of NMET and the need to ensure their well-being is the most important priority while also critical to future programming. Budgeted expenses for caring for the NMET team of therapy horses over the next 12 months is $35,000.


Northwest Michigan Habitat for Humanity                                        Current Funding: $5,000.00

NW MI Habitat for Humanity anticipates an increased need for the Critical Home Repair program, which assists current homeowners with completing repairs necessary to maintaining the health, safety, and integrity of their home. As a result of COVID-19, the ReStore has been closed, fundraisers have been cancelled, and construction projects were put on hold and are now behind schedule. The loss of revenue and progress comes at a time when the need for safe homes has only increased.


The Manna Food Project                                                                Current Funding: $5,000.00

To help feed the hungry in Northern Michigan, Manna operates a Food Rescue program, a food distribution center (food bank), a weekly food pantry, and the “Food 4 Kids” backpack program. Manna's current phone system is over fifteen years old and is failing. The proposed system will allow for each of six staff to have their own phone, extension, and voicemail. The system will also allow the public to leave messages through an off-hour directory. No extra bells and whistles, just a reliable, affordable, and up-to-date system to help Manna serve people in need.



Women's Resource Center of Northern Michigan              Current Funding: $5,000.00

Requested funds will support general operating costs of WRCNM that include office rent, utilities, and administrative staff costs. These expenses are vital to the success of the agency and to support survivors across northern Michigan at the highest standard. As the circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to evolve, WRCNM continues to support survivors through alternative methods of service delivery, and develop alternative fundraising activities. The agency anticipates an increase in requests for services, as is the trend following crises of various levels, and is committed to providing vital services to survivors in Charlevoix County.


Charlevoix Area Community Pool                                              Current Funding: $5,000.00

CACP needs support to pay for pool operational and maintenance costs which run about $8,000 a month for insurance, utilities, and supplies. These costs continue even though the pool is closed.



Boyne Area Gymnastics                                                                  Current Funding: $5,000.00

Tuition generated from providing gymnastics classes to over 400 students is the main source of income and has not been received since mid-March.Until they can reopen, certain expenses still need to be covered including the commercial loan, utilities, supplies, insurance, and minimal payroll for 15 staff members. In addition, sanitation supplies and materials will need to be purchased to meet the requirements to safely reopen the facility. 


Camp Daggett                                                                                      Current Funding: $5,000.00

From March 1st through the end of May 2020 all programming was cancelled. The annual Golf Benefit scheduled for June 4th was also cancelled. Combined, this represents a loss of revenue of around $150,000. These funds are what insures Camp Daggett's ability to maintain first class facilities and quality staffing.


Charlevoix Public Schools                   Current Funding: $0.00               Remaining Need: $5,000.00

During the COVID-19 school shutdown and while engaged in remote learning, Charlevoix Public Schools have learned much about student needs, especially in the area of Social-Emotional Learning (SEL). As Charlevoix schools look to further support students' academic experience this fall, whether that be in a face-to-face environment, hybrid model, or fully remote, they will need to purchase or develop a curriculum and action plan.


Child and Family Services of Northwestern Michigan                    Current Funding: $5,000.00

CFS clients are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 and need help to stay safe. Most are children struggling with a trauma history who have experienced challenges such as food insecurity, runaway episodes, homelessness, abuse, neglect, domestic violence, and mental health challenges. These challenges have been intensified by COVID-19 and have an increased potential for occurring. Funding will support CFS’ Child Welfare and Behavioral Health Services in Charlevoix County.


Communities In Schools of Northwest Michigan                Current Funding: $5,000.00

For the past 18 years, Communities in Schools (CIS) of Northwest Michigan has existed to break down barriers that prevent children and families from reaching their full potential within the public school system. CIS works in partnership with public schools by placing a site coordinator in every partner building, however, they go wherever they’re needed and do whatever it takes to connect vulnerable students to the supports they need in the classroom and beyond. While schools are closed, they’re working across communities to bring resources like meals, household supplies and educational materials to the kids that need them most.


East Jordan Public Schools                                                            Current Funding: $4,144

The "Clorox Total 360" machine cleans by spraying a fine mist into a room, which finds its way into the nooks and crannies to do a deep disinfecting job that completely sanitizes areas. The system would be used in classrooms and common areas, as wells as weight rooms, locker rooms, on buses and in school kitchens. The cost for the machine and the first 4 gallons of cleaner liquid is $4,144.


Girl Scouts of Michigan Shore to Shore                   Current Funding: $2,713         Remaining Need: $2,250

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how they operate, but more importantly, the way girls and adults experience Girl Scouting. Maintaining a girl's connection to Girl Scouts can bring her a sense of normalcy and security when much of her world seems uncertain. Since all programming is hands-on, Girl Scouts of MI Shore to Shore is transitioning programming to an interactive, virtual model. With this grant, they will create interactive programming so GSMISTS Girl Scouts can earn badges and interact with their peers and the leader.


North Country Community Mental Health                           Current Funding: $2,000.00

Some children and adolescents have difficulty engaging in the typical office format where a therapist talks to them about difficulties they are experiencing. Currently 644 children are receiving services and 282 are considered candidates for EAGALA therapy, an innovative therapy option which can utilize equine therapy as part of the process. Funding would be used to provide innovative therapy solutions to Charlevoix County children in need. 


President Ford Field Service Council                   Current Funding: $2,713         Remaining Need: $2,287

President Ford Field Service Council, Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is a division of Michigan Crossroads Council and serves 30 counties of Northern and Western Michigan. In Charlevoix County, they serve 155 youth annually, led by 69 adult volunteers. Grant funds from the Charlevoix County Community Foundation would support the local operation plan, provide support to youth in virtual online summer programs, continued training support for adult leaders, and be used to replace the loss of operational dollars that direct fundraising would generate annually, but which have been impacted by COVID-19.


Raven Hill Discovery Center                                                        Current Funding: $5,000.00

Raven Hill is requesting $5,000 for basic expenses, specifically rent & utilities. The Center continues to operate with minimal staff. Animals need feeding. Maintenance is never ending. Exhibits & facilities require cleaning, organizing, and upgrading. Utilities bills continue. Rent & utilities for the 12 month "hibernation" period will be about $17,104. It will be impossible for staff to maintain Raven Hill exhibits, facilities & grounds, if basic expenses are not met.