Bob and Gretchen Tambellini
If the face is familiar, that’s not surprising. For 18 years, Bob Tambellini served as the first president of the Charlevoix County Community Foundation, coming from Flint with a background in the nonprofit field. “We’d always dreamed of living up north,” he says, “but still it was a leap of faith.”
That faith was well-placed. Under his leadership, the Community Foundation gained the confidence and support of this community and grew a strong base of over $20 million. Following retirement, the Tambellinis enjoyed an active life in Florida – but they missed northern Michigan and vacationed here each summer. “We never lost the feeling that this was home,” shares Gretchen. So, in 2022, they moved back.
That move prompted an update to their estate plan. “We feel close to this community and, of course, to the Community Foundation,” says Bob. Their future gift will establish the Bob and Gretchen Tambellini Fund for the Community, an endowed fund to support needs and advance opportunities in Charlevoix County, continuing the work Bob helped to launch for generations that follow.