Frank and Betty Jo Strehl
Sgt. Frank Joseph Strehl of East Jordan, Army 4th Infantry Division, met Betty Jo Clinard of Jackson after he lost both legs serving in World War II. His platoon was the first to arrive in Paris but was ordered to wait and allow an English regiment to be the first forces to liberate the city. After stepping on a land mine, Frank was sent to Percy Jones Hospital. While there, his roommate was visited by his girlfriend who worked at the defense plant. She brought along a friend and fellow worker, Betty Jo. Frank and Betty Jo met in February and were married on October 20, 1945.
The Strehls moved to East Jordan in 1948, where Frank was a watchmaker and jeweler and Betty Jo was an insurance agent. The Strehls loved their community and established a fund with the Community Foundation in 1999. When they passed away, Frank in 2011 and Betty Jo in 2018, the Fund was converted to the Frank J. and Betty J. Strehl Fund for the Community, where their gift can make a lasting impact for generations to come, in the areas of greatest need.
Photo: Frank and Betty Jo Strehl celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary in 2010.