Tom and Ann Hanna


The Hannas established a donor advised fund because of the simplicity and flexibility that this tool for personal philanthropy offers. “We were really excited when we learned about the advantages of giving through a donor advised fund,” says Tom, a former Community Foundation trustee and retired general manager of this area's electrical co-op. “It opened up a whole new way of looking at charitable giving.”  For the time being, the Hannas plan to focus their fund's grantmaking in the Charlevoix area, where they make their home. But they're open to other possibilities too. “This fund offers so many opportunities to help others down the road and gives everyone in our family a chance to participate,” explains Ann.

Over the years, the Hannas have continued to add to the fund.  Grown sons, Tim and Chris, and their children have become interested in improving their communities as well.  For that reason, Tom and Ann have included the Community Foundation in their will and have worked with staff to ensure that the tradition of giving back will continue after they are gone. "Creating our estate plan has given us tremendous peace of mind and the added joy of knowing that after we are gone we'll still be a part of the community by continuing to make a positive impact," says Tom.  

Is a legacy gift right for you?  Learn more about leaving a legacy through the Community Foundation.