New Organizational Support Cycle Announced!
The Charlevoix County Community Foundation is announcing changes to the upcoming grant cycle in response to changing needs in our communities. Formerly called Community Project Support, the cycle was originally scheduled to have an application due date of May 1, 2020 and was intended to provide support for community projects and programs in several focus areas including arts & culture, veterans assistance, health and wellness, urgent needs, and more.
However, due to the current COVID-19 crisis our communities are facing, the Community Foundation has moved the grant cycle deadline to June 1, 2020. The cycle will now be called Organizational Support and will provide opportunities for eligible nonprofits to apply for support for not only community projects but also for general operating support.
The Community Foundation conducted a survey in late April with more than 55 nonprofit partners weighing in. Overwhelmingly, the need for general operational support for nonprofits rose to the top, resulting in the addition of an option to request operational support in the upcoming cycle.
“Community foundations are well-positioned to respond to changing needs in the community,” said Chip Hansen, President of the Charlevoix County Community Foundation, “and the creation of this new grant cycle is a great example of how we can continue to be there for our community in times of change and crisis.”
The Organizational Support cycle is the latest effort by the Community Foundation to respond to changing needs and help local organizations. The new application is now available for eligible nonprofits to apply for general support. Since funds are limited and C3F anticipates a large response, one application of up to $5,000 per organization may be submitted. More information and specifics can be found on our Apply for a Grant page.
In mid-March the Community Foundation rolled out its first change in grant opportunities by opening a new Urgent Needs grant cycle. This cycle has no deadline; instead, requests are reviewed, and grants are awarded on a weekly basis. The focus of the Urgent Needs grant cycle is to provide support for organizations serving those in need on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis. Organizations who are providing food, shelter, safety, healthcare, heating and utility assistance, and other basic and urgent needs are prioritized to receive these funds. So far, more than $86,000 has been granted in Urgent Needs funds to organizations like the Manna Food Project and local food pantries, Good Samaritan Family Services, the Women’s Resource Center, and others providing basic needs or connecting local residents to essential services and resources. This grant cycle is ongoing, and organizations can learn more about how to apply here.
All of this work and more is made possible by the generous donors who have contributed to the Community Foundation’s funds over the years and in recent weeks. The Community Endowment is the Community Foundation’s tool for responding to needs and moving promising opportunities forward; nonprofit partners currently need general operations support as performances, services, and fundraisers are cancelled. The Community Endowment is available to respond. The Urgent Needs Fund supports individuals and families in need throughout Charlevoix County with grants to nonprofit partners and is currently supporting the ongoing Urgent Needs Cycle.
The Community Foundation anticipates that needs will continue for some time and may even increase before things start to get better. People who are interested in helping friends and neighbors in need through the Community Foundation can make a gift to these funds here.