Career Opportunities

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Community foundations are unique to the communities they serve. Our office is located in East Jordan, a quick walk to the South Arm of Lake Charlevoix. C3F appreciates the value of work / life balance and we enjoy a flexible, positive work culture. We’ve been known to close the office to walk to Marty’s for ice cream and celebrate birthdays with lunch at the birthday-person’s favorite restaurant. As our community changes so must our Community Foundation, so we aim to be good listeners and good partners who are responsive, nimble, and creative. We like a spontaneous brainstorm and a good chart. While we are focused on intentional, incremental movement forward, we also like to dream big for this community we love.  



The Charlevoix County Community Foundation (C3F) is dedicated to making a difference close to home. Our goal is to improve and enrich life in for people in Charlevoix County by growing charitable resources, making grants to support a variety of programs and projects, connecting donors with community needs, and working in partnership with others to address local issues.  

Started in 1992 by a group of leaders in response to a challenge from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, C3F has experienced vibrant growth and has immense potential to make a difference in our community. We work with donors, nonprofit partners, cities and townships, schools, and volunteers to move our community forward.  

A 15-member Board of Trustees, representing all geographic areas of the county, provides guidance and oversight. Advisory committees from Beaver Island, Boyne City, Charlevoix, and East Jordan assist in identifying community needs and make grant recommendations from geographic field-of-interest funds.  The Environment and Land Use Advisory Committee evaluates and makes grant recommendations related to environmental projects.  The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of 16 local teens who learn about giving back to their communities by making grants to support our area’s young people.   

C3F is a member of the Council of Michigan Foundations and is accredited by National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations.  Regionally, C3F maintains a close working relationship with other community, family, and corporate foundations. More information about C3F is available on our website