1What's New

we proudly introduce our new look


Charlevoix County Community Foundation began 32 years ago as a great idea and a much-needed community resource. It was a seed planted that would take time to grow. The familiar acorn imagery represented us well during that time; it sprouted, it grew, and it reached toward the warmth of the sun.



Over time and with your help, that acorn has grown into a mighty oak. Its roots are deep and its leaves continue to reach toward the sun. We are grateful to you for being the reason the Community Foundation stands tall and healthy today. It is with this spirit of gratitude that we proudly present the new look for your Charlevoix County Community Foundation.



Our 2023 Annual Report

This year's slimmed down piece both launches our new logo and changes the timeline for reporting to the community. Going forward, our report will arrive in the summer with stories that demonstrate the positive results of generosity combined with partnership, financials that show a complete fiscal year, and recognition of volunteers, donors, and staff who love this community and want good things for our neighbors. Click HERE or on the cover below to see the full electronic version.









Our Legacy Society members are people who care about our community and included C3F in their Will, trust, or IRA to leave a legacy that will benefit C3f and area nonprofits forever. Learn how you can join Dan and Martha Mishler today.














Stay up-to-date with all the latest news and information about C3F and our programs by joining us on our Instagram Page! Just seach for us at CharlevoixC3F or follow this link.











Grants in Action - little traverse conservancy

The Little Traverse Conservancy set themselves a big goal when they worked with the sellers of the largest remaining undeveloped, unprotected shoreline on Lake Michigan in Emmet and Charlevoix Counties last year. With a price point of more than $3 million, every dollar really did count. A C3F Community Priorities grant, combined with more than 150 other donors and contributors, helped LTC to acquire the property and secure its protection forever. Sometimes, on these larger projects, our grants can seem like a drop in the bucket, but we believe in the power of collaboration because we have seen our community come together to do big things that matter, like this. Thanks to so many in our community who care for our natural resources, Enji-minozhiiyaamigak, the Place of Peacefulness, is now protected. Great news - you can go there because it's open to the public! And soon, there will be a universally accessible trail to enjoy as well. We are proud to have partnered with LTC on this work.