Organizational Support Grants Awarded
July 16, 2020
The Community Foundation responded to requests from nonprofit partners in June, thanks to generous donors who look to the Community Foundation to adjust quickly to changing community needs. Grants will make investments in area nonprofit organizations, helping many to keep operating through these challenging times. This special Organizational Support cycle was created to help organizations with operational and general support for ongoing programs and projects. Many organizations will use grant dollars to increase technology capabilities, which will enable them to work remotely more effectively, and to offer programs and services in a new way. Grant dollars may also help some organizations to open safely with added personal protective equipment, or simply continue necessary maintenance and upkeep of organizational property. Operational support is vital to organizations in our region who have been hard hit by the consequences of COVID-19. Click here for a complete list of grants made through the Organizational Support cycle.
In April, the Community Foundation conducted a survey of nonprofit organizations and learned that many organizations were struggling to make ends meet, with normal activities and fundraising events cancelled for public health and safety reasons. “Community foundations are well-positioned to respond to changing needs in the community,” said Chip Hansen, President of the Charlevoix County Community Foundation, “and the creation of this new grant cycle is a great example of how we can continue to be there for our community in times of change and crisis.”
All of this work is made possible by the generous donors who have contributed to the Community Foundation’s funds over the years and in recent weeks. The Community Endowment is the Community Foundation’s tool for responding to needs and moving promising opportunities forward; nonprofit partners needed general operations support as performances, services, and fundraisers were canceled. The Community Endowment is available to respond. Additionally, the Community Foundation’s Urgent Needs Fund supports individuals and families in need throughout Charlevoix County with grants to nonprofit partners and is currently supporting the ongoing Urgent Needs Cycle. Organizations serving individuals and families in need may continue to apply for grants as needed through the Urgent Needs cycle in 2020.
The Community Foundation anticipates that needs will continue for some time and may even increase before things start to get better. People who are interested in helping friends and neighbors in need through the Community Foundation can make a gift to these funds.
The next grant cycle will focus on Geographic Enrichment, or projects that impact one of the following communities: Beaver Island, Boyne City, Charlevoix, or East Jordan. Applications will be available in August and are due by Thursday, October 1, 2020. The Community Foundation welcomes inquiries about applying for grants anytime by emailing Ashley Cousens at More information about each grant cycle can be found on the “Apply for a Grant” page.